Individual participants in the racing & gaming industry must be licensed by the Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission. Please see the below categories for further details.
Individual Licensing
All persons engaged in administration, control or conduct of gambling games; or that work in a retail sportsbook at an excursion gambling boat/gambling structure/racetrack casino are required to obtain an occupational license from the Commission. A license is valid for three calendar years. All licenses are temporary until the completion of required background investigations.
All persons participating in any capacity in a race meeting are required to obtain an occupational license from the Commission. A license is valid for three calendar years.
Each applicant must complete and sign an application form prescribed and published by the Commission and pay a license fee set by the Commission. In addition to the license fee, the Commission shall charge the applicant a fee set by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and by the Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Investigation, to cover the cost associated with the background search and classification of fingerprints.
For racing industry participants, the Racing and Gaming Commission will accept fingerprint reciprocity with all jurisdictions. It will be the applicant’s responsibility to provide proof of fingerprints by another jurisdiction within the previous six years. Proof may be shown in the form of a racing license, affidavit, or letter from another jurisdiction at the time of licensing. The Racing and Gaming Commission will not contact other jurisdictions to verify fingerprint dates. Absentee owners must send proof of fingerprints from another jurisdiction with their license application. If a fingerprint card is submitted, a $42 processing fee along with the licensee fee must be included.
PLEASE NOTE: All applications and fingerprint cards for horse racing licenses must be sent to the Licensing office at Prairie Meadows:
IRGC Licensing Office
1 Prairie Meadows Drive
Altoona, IA 50009
Phone: 515-967-1260
Fax: 515-967-1290
Applications sent to the incorrect office or with the incorrect fees may be returned without process, or processing may be delayed.